44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
European Control Conference ECC 2005

Plaza de Espaqa
Seville, (Spain). 12-15 December 2005


I would like to invite you to attend the CDC-ECC'05. This is the first time that two of the most reputed conferences in control, the European Control Conference (ECC) and the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), are to be celebrated as a joint conference. This important event will take place in an attractive environment, the city of Seville.

The response to our Call for Papers has been extraordinary. More than 3050 papers were submitted.  The International Program Committee has worked hard and efficiently and, after a rigorous procedure, 1470 papers have been accepted.  The number of submissions was much higher than expected and, because of this,  only papers that received excellent reviews could be selected.  

Two Plenary Sessions,  four Semi-Plenary sessions and five tutorial sessions have been programmed for the four days of the Conference.   We have chosen a set of  outstanding speakers and a wide range of topics to cover not only emerging fields, but also new developments in well established research areas.  

Most of  the papers are scheduled for oral presentation in 204 sessions, organized in 17 parallel tracks. There is also a significant number (41) of  interactive sessions which have been  encouraged  in this conference as a challenging experience to facilitate interaction between conference attendees. Interactive papers  have gone through the same peer review process  and are published in the proceedings  in the same way as any contributed paper. The reaction to the Call for  Workshops has also been very positive. The selected Workshops will be held on Sunday, December 11, prior to the Congress opening. The Conference includes other activities such as panel discussions about important issues in the field.  Industrial and publisher exhibits will be available throughout the conference.

This joint conference will bring together an international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives for future developments, and innovative applications relevant to control, automation, and related areas.

 Seville has always been a friendly city open to all cultures with a rich past, a dynamic present, and an exciting future. Situated in Southern Spain,  its climate in December is usually  mild and dry. 

All those attending the CDC-ECC'05 will have the opportunity to participate in a high-level scientific and technical congress, to share some days with outstanding specialists in Automatic Control from all over the world, not only in the technical sessions but also during the conference banquet and receptions, and will also understand why Seville is one of the most frequently visited cities in the world.  

 I look forward to seeing you at the CDC-ECC’05 and encourage you to consider spending a few extra days to enjoy  Seville.


Eduardo F. Camacho,

General Chair


General Information

o    Adaptive Control

o    Automation

o    Biological and Environmental Systems

o    Complex Systems

o    Computer Networks Control

o    Control Applications

o    Control Education

o    Design Methodologies

o    Discrete Event Systems

o    Emerging Control Technologies

o    Estimation

o    Fault Detection

o    Guidance and Flight Control

o    Hybrid Systems

o    Identification

o    Intelligent Systems

o    Linear Systems

o    MEMS in Control

o    Modeling

o    Multivariable Control

o    Networked Control Systems

o    Nonlinear Systems

o    Optimization

o    Process Control

o    Real-time Control

o    Robotics and Mechatronics

o    Robust Control

o    Vehicles and Transportation Systems

Information for participants

Please make sure that you visit our Venue and travel information page, especially the section devoted to Visa requirements. In the same page you will find useful information about weather, transportation, etc.

Conference Information


Sunday-Friday, December 11-16

All conference attendees must register. Personal badges will be provided to identify registered participants. All registered participants will receive a CD-ROM containing the conference proceedings. A reduced registration rate is available for students, retirees, and life members. Full registration also includes the Conference Banquet on Wednesday, December 14.

 Registration Desk Hours 

Saturday December 10

18:00 - 20:00

Sunday December 11

10:00 - 12:00

Sunday December 11

15:00 - 17:30

Monday December 12

8:00 - 17:30

Tuesday December 13

8:00 - 17:30

Wednesday December 14

8:00 - 17:30

Thursday December 15

8:00 - 15:00


Conference Proceedings

The CD-ROM containing the conference proceedings will be distributed at the conference registration desk along with the registration package. A limited number of additional CD-ROMs will be available for purchase at the conference.

Social Program
