The Theory-Practice Gap: Where Are We
? Professor Edward J. Davison University of Toronto
Monday, December 12
Reducing Highway Congestion: An Empirical Approach (Bode Lecture) Professor Pravin Varaiya University of California Thursday,
December 15
Semi-plenary Sessions Top of page
Dynamic Programming and Suboptimal Control: From ADP to MPC Professor Dimitri Bertsekas Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tuesday, December
Control Strategies in Atomic Force Microscopy Professor Andreas Stemmer Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Tuesday, December
13 Santa Cruz
Identification for control: from the early achievements to the revival of experiment design Professor Michel Gevers Université Catholique de Louvain Wednesday, December
Professor Carlos Canudas de Witt Laboratorie d'Automatique de Grenoble Wednesday, December
14 Santa Cruz |
Tutorial Sessions Top of page
Energy Management and Drivability Control of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles
Rizzoni, Giorgio The Ohio State Univ.
Monday, December 12, 16:00 – 18:00 Ecija
Molecular Systems Biology and Control
Organizer: Sontag, Eduardo D. Rutgers Univ.
Tuesday, December 13, 10:00 – 12:00
Airspace De-Confliction
Organizer: Parthasarathy, Sanjay Honeywell Tech. Center
Organizer: Samad, Tariq Honeywell Lab.
Tuesday, December 13th, 16:00 –
18:00 Giralda V
Sensor Networks and Cooperative Control
Organizer: Cassandras, Christos G. Boston Univ.
Wednesday, December 14, 10:00 – 12:00 Giralda
Hybrid Control of Networked Embedded Systems
Organizer: Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Francoise CNRS
Wednesday, December 14, 16:00 – 17:40 Giralda I
Panel discussions Top of page
An industrial view on the areas for future controls research
Organizers: Mike Grimble, and Reza Katebi
Panel (provisional): Alkis Konstantellos, EU Programme Officer, Chris Elston, RWEnpower, Matt MacDonald, SELEX-SAS, Andy Scarisbrick, Ford, UK, Chris Fryer, Alstom, Ron Patton, Hull.
Control Aspects of the Cassini / Huygens – Mission to Explore the Saturnian System
Organizer: Klaus Schilling
Panel: Bob Mitchell (NASA / JPL, Pasadena), Claudio Sollazzo (ESA / ESTEC, Darmstadt) and Klaus Schilling (Univ. of Werzburg).
Full-day workshops:
Half-day workshops:
HD-1 Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures (CANCELLED *)
HD-2 Advanced Control in Siderurgy (CANCELLED *)
HD-3 Identification of Hybrid Systems
If you are registered in a
cancelled workshop you can either register in another Workshop of the same
duration (just e-mail registration co-chair
Bordons) or you can have the money refunded. You can also
register in another Workshop if you wish (go to
PaperPlaza). If we do not hear from you
by Nov 14th we will refund the money.
How do control system design engineers use models and simulation ?
Pieter J. Mosterman
Corporate Communications, The MathWorks
Monday, December 12
12:15 – 13:15
Giralda I
In control system design, we typically model the plant in detail and then make the model amenable to control law synthesis. With this law at its core, the controller model is gradually refined with implementation detail. Physical models are combined with computational models to ensure we can realize the design. At present, computational modeling increasingly replaces physical modeling. This requires sophisticated modeling formalisms and tools. For example, in plant modeling, domain specific languages for, e.g., multi-body systems and image processing systems as well as extensive tool infrastructure, are needed.
The challenges we face to further this trend are (i) providing domain-specific modeling formalisms, (ii) providing tool support, (iii) combining different formalisms, and (iv) automatic model translation.
We discuss the role of models in control system design and address questions such as: Is there a set of sufficient semantic notions for our modeling languages or a general ‘computing API’ to combine different formalisms? Is simulation a sufficiently powerful technology? What is the best approach to generating modeling formalisms (libraries, meta-modeling, API, other)? Is there an optimal formalism to translate between formalisms? Can we derive denotational or operational models from axiomatic specifications (i.e., generate models from ‘scenarios’)? How about producing target specific code? How can style guidelines be enforced and is there a need to configure tools for controller design? How about support for enterprise-wide modeling? Can model reduction techniques handle industrial models for control synthesis? How can you guarantee model composability? How can we obtain explicit models (e.g., hybrid automata) from models in a more practicable representation?
Social Program Top of page
Welcome Reception Grand Hall |
Sunday, December 11 20:00 - 22:00 |
Companion Orientation Bar Corona |
Monday, December 12 11:00 - 12:00 |
Students/Newcomers Reception Terrace Room |
Monday, December 12 19:00 - 20:00 |
Awards Ceremony and Reception Torreón de la Juliana |
Wednesday, December 14 19:30 - 21:00 |
Conference Banquet Torreón de la Juliana |
Wednesday, December 14 21:00 - 23:00 |
Farewell Reception Grand Hall |
Thursday, December 15 18:30 - 20:30 |
Conference Exhibits Hall level -2 |
Monday-Wednesday, December 12-14, 8:30-18:00 Thursday, December 15, 8:30-12:30 |